Its All BS Podcast

Bec’s first ice bath & girls making money

Billy-Ray Stokes Season 2 Episode 40
  • Gym
  • Bec’s first ice bath
  • Tilly getting Sterling out of the cot
  • Lexi giving money to Eliza out of Tilly’s purse and having to reimburse her
  • Bec highlighting that I’ve made this about Lexi mostly, and that I haven’t really highlighted Tilly’s involvement or accomplishments
  • Taking the kids to school, helping Lexi sell a few lucky dips - no luck
  • Coming home & tackling other work
  • Recording the videos to bring me up to speed to today
  • Having a quick lunch with Bec
  • Picking the kids up from school & making $22
  • Team doing really well
  • Chat with Stuart
  • Eliza coming outside to ask if I was done with the bin
  • Playing drive throughs with the girls
  • Dinner with the kids and Sterling just wanting to be around them
  • Bath & bed time and I keep intervening at the first sign of argument 
  • Bec making the table cloth
  • Talking with Bec about how she feels like she’s still 23, and she’s had 4 kids.
    • I feel like she’s my girlfriend, and it’s wild that she has had 4 kids